July 31, 2024
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
Join some of NAPC's Commission Assistance and Mentoring Program (CAMP) Trainers for an intensive training covering topics every volunteer commissioner and staff member need to know to be effective in their roles. The short course is great for seasoned professionals looking for a refresher as well as the brand new commission member. Topics will include: Standards and Guidelines for Design Review, Meeting Procedures, Preservation Planning and Community Outreach and Building Public Support. Advanced registration required.
Price $30.00
August 1, 2024
1:15 pm
2:45 pm
Design review is one of the most powerful tools that communities have to protect historic resources. But regulating what owners can do with their properties is also one of the most difficult preservation challenges. Join us for a design review roundtable to hear how preservation commissions from around the country are regulating new construction within historic districts. Designing infill to be clearly identifiable as new construction while blending with the surrounding historic fabric is a tricky balance. This session will look at some of the different approaches commissions have taken in defining what is compatible and gather feedback through interactive presentation software.
Advanced registration required.
August 1, 2024
10:45 am
12:15 am
Join colleagues from across the country for a facilitated dialogue on making historic places, districts, and communities more resilient in a changing climate. Share your challenges and solutions and come away with new ideas for your community. The National Alliance of Preservation Commissions will be partnering with the National Trust for Historic Preservation to lead this important discussion.
Advanced registration required.
August 1, 2024
9:00 am
10:30 am
Oral histories can be a powerful tool in historic preservation especially in advancing more equitable identification, documentation, and treatment. More and more communities are adopting the approach, raising questions of cost, effectiveness, format, and customization. This roundtable invites a wide-ranging conversation on the topic with the hope of developing a position paper that might detail the findings of this working session and suggest next steps. We’ll pose several questions, including what is the difference between an interview and an oral history, to kick start the conversation, and then invite participants to bring their own experience, concerns, and questions to the table.
Advanced registration required.
August 1, 2024
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Does your community flood? If so, join us for an interactive workshop to explore the adaptation solutions available to property owners. We will examine the pros and cons of different solutions through the lens of historic preservation and discuss the many factors and forces that influence the decisions made by property owners. Group activities will introduce participants to the Guidelines on Flood Adaptation for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings.
Advanced registration required.